December 31, 2024
by Tim Rice
The origin of the term dates back to the 1500s, and it acknowledged that the work of living has an additional layer of work that is internal. There are the things that we think of as “going to work,” where we leave our homes, the places where we typically love to be. But the work we need to do in that space, housekeeping, is cleaning, de-cluttering, decorating even —...
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December 16, 2024
by Tim Rice
"You can say that in all societies there has always been a mid-winter festival and that many of the trappings of our Christmas are almost violently pagan. But you come back to the central fact of the day in the quietness of Christmas morning – the birth of God on earth."...
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December 13, 2024
by Tim Rice
There is a compelling mystery in how people experience communion through pain. Shared sorrow and anguish can transcend class, race, and even politics to bind together people in profound ways — and in the Gospel, we even believe this applies to us and our God!...
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November 21, 2024
by Tim Rice
The what of thanksgiving — at least recognizes two sides of the coin. If giving thanks is a single act, it is aware of two sides or aspects. There is the “What do I have?” side, and then there is the “Who made that possible?” side. The entire scope of my life includes all that I really do have, but I also need to see that I have not earned, produced, created, or ...
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November 15, 2024
by Tim Rice
What is calmly stated belies a horrifying reality. While the speaker in a mob movie really was referring to plans for killing people, “the business” will leave unseen and unmentioned weeping parents, grieving spouses and orphaned children. And blood that cries out from the ground to the LORD, our God....
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November 7, 2024
by Tim Rice
Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—he remains faithful forever.” Psalm 146:3-6
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October 31, 2024
by Tim Rice
How much does presence matter? One way we can measure this is by how much you’ve been affected by someone’s absence. The biblical term “holy” means incomparable or irreplaceable....
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October 8, 2024
by Tim Rice
In this morning's Community Bible reading from Mark 13, it struck me how, ahead of facing persecution and even the threat of death, Jesus urged His disciples to "not be anxious beforehand." Some modern ears could hear in this that Jesus was being tone-deaf and insensitive to His friends' pain or anxieties....
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September 27, 2024
by Tim Rice
Starting back in the late 90s, we got to start an amazing trend of sending a ministry candidate to graduate school (called seminary, not to be confused with a cemetery). Elliot Grudem was the first candidate that we commissioned, who eventually went on to be ordained and become a church planter. Elliot is still in ministry in Raleigh, NC, and helps to now train young pasto...
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September 5, 2024
by Tim Rice
Someone can be so laser-focused on a goal or an idea that all they can see is how far short of their desire their current experience is. “That would be great, but this is so far short of that …” This plays out in restaurants every day, at work, at school, and surely in most homes....
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August 23, 2024
by Tim Rice
Following that, and a week of interactions here with various leaders, officers, volunteers and staff members, our elders have voted to propose a call for Tony to join our team here and be our new shepherding pastor....
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August 16, 2024
by Tim Rice
In a congregational church (like a Baptist or non-denominational church), the congregation can simply vote. It can be a 51-49 vote even, and if it’s favorable, then that church has a new pastor. In a church with bishops (whether it’s Catholic, Episcopal, or Methodist), the archbishop can simply assign a pastor to a congregation and then that church has a new pastor —...
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August 1, 2024
by Tim Rice
En route to Strasbourg, John Calvin and his companions had their trip interrupted because of a war. This meant stopping for a night—just a single night—in Geneva. That evening, word got to William Farel that the famed writer of the Institutes of the Christian Religion was staying in town. Farel was the first reformer of Geneva and a pioneer who fought to have the city ...
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July 26, 2024
by Tim Rice
Hopefully, saying it more precisely, if you think at all about if God wants you to do something, how do you go about securing that information? Many would object that such guidance isn't even possible, and to think that it is possible would render you dangerously arrogant as if you have a direct line to God. Secularists dismiss the input of God out of hand, like a kid's fa...
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July 18, 2024
by Tim Rice
Is it a hopeful ideal, a dearly held dream out ahead for you? Is it your everyday reality, your bread-and-butter routine? Is it a sensitive or even bitter topic for you because of broken dreams or a broken home in your childhood?...
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July 11, 2024
by Tim Rice
I know hospitals are typically the kind of place most people prefer to avoid. Even if the reason for a visit is childbirth, my sense is that “going to the hospital” is not at the top of someone’s wish list....
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June 28, 2024
by Tim Rice
It is likely not realistic to describe political news as a stream—it’s more like a torrential flood. As we get closer to the upcoming elections this fall, the number of voices and the volume with which they speak will likely only increase....
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June 21, 2024
by Tim Rice
In a similar way, we can compare our leadership structure and the needs of our congregation to diet and capacities respectively. When we were in our first couple of years, Trinity’s leadership was one staff member (me) and a leadership team of about a dozen volunteers. By our third year, we had two part-time staff members for administration, and we added Timo Strawbridge...
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May 30, 2024
by Tim Rice
What is different now is our access to information about so many problems in so many places. Modern technology and media now grant the average person access to literally a world of hurt. And the more informed a person may be about all that may be wrong out there, the less they may feel they are doing....
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May 23, 2024
by Tim Rice
One of their team leaders, Nikita Kucherov, will surely be in the NHL Hall of Fame when his career ends. But one week after the Bolts’ playoff exit, he was back on the ice skating with Hockey Hall-of-Famer Adam Oates. He’s already practicing for next season …...
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May 16, 2024
by Tim Rice
In Jr. High, one of my best friends developed a (thankfully temporary) pain in his knees because of how rapidly he was growing. And in a similar manner, our congregation has grown so rapidly since COVID that our “bones” need to catch up. ...
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May 3, 2024
by Tim Rice
In a new book released last week, The Age of Grievance, American journalist Frank Bruni has offered an insightful examination of the ways in which grievance has come to define our culture (especially in politics, on both the right and left). Bruni documents how more and more of us are keeping a record of slights or pulling out the tape measure on our perceived misfortunes ...
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April 18, 2024
by Tim Rice
First, I have to admit that the entire world of modern telecommunications still amazes me. I actually know why we say, “Hang up the phone!” because I grew up when a phone was attached by a cord to the wall, and to end a call, you had to “hang it” back up where it always stayed....
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April 5, 2024
by Tim Rice
If you ever played hide-and-seek, did you ever really love being the one who was doing the seeking? I hated it. First, it meant that I had been caught first in the prior round when I had been hiding (so it felt like I had failed). Second, I always had a sinking feeling of dread, wondering inwardly, “What if I can’t find anyone?”...
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March 14, 2024
by Tim Rice
Think about how you are the same, no matter what your age, as the day you were born. Just as an acorn grows from being a large nut to a sprig to a 200-year-old mammoth of a tree, you have gone from being an embryo to a fetus to a newborn baby to a toddler to whatever you are today....
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March 7, 2024
by Tim Rice
The right tool fits the job. You wouldn’t try to drive in a nail with a tape measure. Even if you tried to do that, failed, and then complained, “This tape measure is no good!”...
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