Engage in Worship
As Trinity’s Worship Director, It is my heart and ultimately, my job, to lead us in worship. Not just Sunday mornings, but throughout the week. Tim, Rachel, Jarrod and I are working throughout the week on the sermon, scripture texts, song lists and catechism to encourage us to engage with our great God. The leadership of the church is constantly praying for everyone who will be walking through the doors of our sanctuary every Sunday.
I am encouraging us to engage.
Engage with the Worship Folder that is emailed every Thursday. It has the sermon scripture, as well as the Call to Worship, Assurance of Pardon and songs that are chosen based on the topic that is being taught.
Engage in Community Bible Reading (CBR). CBR is one of the cornerstones at Trinity. Meeting with the Lord, in His word, regularly will lead you to worship.
Engage in song. There is just something special about the way music helps lift our hearts toward Jesus. We have set up Spotify playlists for you to listen to throughout the week. We also have a hymns only playlist and the coming Sunday’s playlist.
Engage in Community Groups. Community Groups are another mainstay here at Trinity. Relationship with other believers is a means of grace that gives you a chance to serve and be served. Fellow followers of Jesus help lead us to worship.
Engage in prayer. Pray for our church, for our city and for Sunday morning worship. Ask the Spirit to lead you in worship day in and day out. Ask Him to lead you in worship on Sunday mornings.
These are all working together to help us engage with the Lord throughout the week. So that by the time Sunday comes around, we are in full worship mode. We have been engaging with God through His word, His people and prayer. We encourage you to participate with us.
Jason Jacobs, Director of Worship
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