Do you know of any heroes?
The daily news is full of strife. There are villains in abundance and endless disputes. But consider this critical question: Right now, do you know of any heroes? Do you have anyone heroic that encourages you? Do you have a personal mission statement? And more telling, is there anything heroic about it? Is there any sense that if you accomplished what you’re aiming at, that anyone would be in awe?
As believers in Jesus, we agree that He is the only hero in our story. But if there is a sense in which you are called to be heroic, it would be in this sense. Heroes don’t think about themselves or their own desires. They’re laser-focused on the needs of those around them. And in that same sense, the Church (the Global Body of Christ) exists for God’s mission, not for our comfort. And as a local expression of that Global Body, Trinity exists for God’s mission, not for your comfort.
Trinity does exist for your good. We aim always at delivering the Gospel of Jesus faithfully. We want to convey God to you and you to God – and that is good for anyone. But don’t confuse good with comfortable.
We exist for the Lord. His Word says, “you are not your own for you were bought with a price.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5: “the love of Christ controls us because we have concluded this… he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.”
We exist for the lost. We follow Jesus as He said that He came to seek and to save the lost, so we need to be preoccupied with those who do not yet know Jesus. We search and sacrifice so that those who, at present, are outside His love would be invited in – to turn away from destruction to trust Jesus as their God and Savior, as we have had the privilege to do because someone sought us.
We exist to build a community of the redeemed. But because of how Jesus works, we trust Him for inner transformation and outward mission. Trinity is just one small expression of the Body of Christ Jesus. And as we belong to Him, we do not seek to build our congregation or network. We seek God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and we want Him to build His Kingdom both in us personally and through us corporately.
Just look around and listen. See and hear the strife. People need Jesus – and if we trust Him as our God and Savior, then they need us to be on mission.
Things to pray for:
- A heart for God and His purposes. Ask the Lord to revive your love for Him and His Mission
- Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see the needs all around you, especially those who do not yet know Jesus and His Grace.
- Ask Jesus to fill you with hope because of His resurrection power! In light of His ability to transform your heart to His, pray that He would make you contagious with His hope.
- Love for the lost. Ask the Father, as He sent His Son on mission for your salvation, to send you – even if it’s only to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, or fellow students.
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