We Have A Working Plan
We have a plan – it’s a working plan, not a guarantee – for resuming corporate worship in person at 10:15a, June 7.
It will be profoundly different from the last time we met. Think of this as the “No” list: there will be no contact by our greeters, no handing out of worship folders, no “pass-the-plate” offering, no greeting time during worship (introverts can now rejoice), and critically, no child care of any kind for at least the first month or two.
So as that may be a daunting list for many people – remember kids under ten account for over 200 people in our church – we still will be offering our worship service online. Live streaming will always be available going forward.
As for what we will do, we will observe all reasonable safety protocols and cleaning regimens. The simplified worship format we’ve been conducting for the last 8+ weeks will continue.
Both the Governor’s guidelines and our Mayor’s Task Force for Reopening have recognized that “establishments” may now operate at 50% capacity. So with our sanctuary, we have ample room in which those attending can disperse, so avoid being too close.
I realize that this still may not satisfy some people, so please heed your conscience (and respect that of others). In light of radical changes, you will need to evaluate what is good for you, your family, or its impact on the lives of others in your regular orbit who are vulnerable. If you would otherwise attend, but you’re regularly in touch with someone who is compromised, it is likely still best if you continue to worship from home via our live stream.
Please pray for all involved – our leaders who are responsible for our decisions, those preparing, those attending, and those remaining home for now.
In the meantime, for the next 2 Sundays, please feel free to view the live stream with others. It is likely very doable to gather with another family, your extended family, or your community group as an intermediate step on our way back to meeting live and in person.
We will communicate more specifics the week we actually are preparing to gather in person. Until then …
Things to pray for:
- God’s mercy. Ask the LORD to be merciful on us as a people, and that He would help us to remain healthy and active to care for people in need.
- Patience. Ask the Holy Spirit to bear in you His fruit of love and patience. Pray for His help in the waiting.
- Respect for others. Ask the Lord to help you to be respectful and understanding with others, especially those who do not share your inclinations or habits.
- Hope. Ask the Father to anchor you in His steadfastness while we still wait to resume worship in person. Praise Him that HE is solid even when so much right now is so unpredictable.
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