Campus Outreach & the Book of Romans
First, I have a wonderful announcement and then I have a request. The announcement is that our elders have voted unanimously to partner with Campus Outreach to launch ministries for college campuses in our area starting next Fall (2018). I have personally been praying for this from before 2010, and it excites me to think of the potential impact – both in our area and for Trinity. Our city and county gain dedicated ministry staff – young men and women specifically targeted at campuses in full-time ministry. And Trinity gains the energizing presence of additional evangelists and disciple-makers.
Second, last Sunday we began to preach through the New Testament book of Romans. If you’re new to the faith or reading the Bible, you may not be familiar with this part of Scripture. But if you’ve been walking with Jesus for some time you likely know well how rich and significant the book of Romans is.
I want to ask you to do something that’s rare. I want to ask, would you please read through Romans ahead of time to be prepared. I am a slow reader, and it took me just over an hour to read through the whole book in one sitting. It’s 16 chapters long. You could read 8 chapters at a time over 2 days. Or you could read a chapter a day over 2 weeks – there are many options. The point is to read ahead, asking the Lord to help prepare you for His work in your life and within our church.
The content of this book clarifies the claims of Jesus versus the kingdoms of this world. As I pointed out last Sunday, in writing it Paul picked a fight. And many of its themes will glaringly clash with the assumptions of our time and culture. So anticipating that conflict, I wanted to ask you to immerse yourself in this part of God’s Word, and pray with me that God will use it to transform us more into His gracious character. Ask Him to deepen your love for Him in contrast to this world, and ask Him to free you from being enslaved to the kingdoms that perish.
Things to pray for:
- All who preach. Please ask the Lord to help all of our pastors who preach to be faithful to Him, faithful to what His Word really says and faithful to our church.
- A teachable heart. Ask the Spirit to soften your heart. Pray for a teachable spirit, especially when themes or topics that Romans addresses pressure you to repent or change.
- For the lost in our midst. This book is so full and rich in Gospel content, so pray for those who regularly attend (or even visit) who do not yet trust in Jesus – ask the Lord to use Romans to open their eyes to Him.
- Hope in the work of Jesus – His GRACE (God’s work, not ours). And as the Gospel is news, not advice, pray for real insight. Ask the Lord to help you understand and rest in Grace more and more.
Tim Rice
Lead Pastor & Director of Church Planting
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