Trinity Gospel Training Workshops
Recently a friend commented to me, “It’s hard that you get fired if you don’t talk about Jesus at your job while most people at worship could get fired if they talk about Jesus at theirs.” I’m keenly alert to how thorny it can be to work out your faith in your identity, in your relationships and in your sense of mission – in how you work. It’s actually a tension that permeates the entire history of the Christian faith. We are in the world and yet not of it …
So to help you, we are offering training workshops over a 6-week span in the Fall, from September 29 to November 3. And I want to invite you to prepare to attend. You can sign up for a class or you can volunteer to help with Children’s Ministry during those 6 weeks. The topics we’ll cover:
The Gospel of Jesus. The Gospel is the story of all God has done to come rescue sinners like us, and His good invitation for us to turn away from self-centered living to trust Him as we should. And there are many people at Trinity for whom this is new news. And it’s the link to the other workshops
The Gospel & Spiritual Disciplines. How can we grow in our faith? What are the habits (throughout centuries) of faithful Christians who steadily grow?
The Gospel & Marriage. Marriage is such a foundational relationship; it’s beautiful and it’s the hardest human relationship possible. So how can couples draw from Jesus’ love to love each other?
The Gospel & Parenting. Right behind marriage, parenting is both significant and difficult. So how does God’s design, His resources, and His wisdom help parents to lead their children well?
The Gospel & Work. Outside your home, your workplace is likely where you spend most of your time. So how does Jesus’ work shape the way you approach your work, wherever you work?
The Gospel & Money. What you possess can be a source of great problem or it can be an amazing tool for God’s love and mission in your life? How does His generosity lead and motivate you?
Click the title of the workshop(s) you wish to attend to sign up.
Things to pray for:
- A heart to learn. All of us need to learn – and keep learning. Ask the Holy Spirit to work within us a teachable spirit so that we would be eager to learn how to understand God’s Grace and work it out into our whole lives.
- A heart to serve. This 6-week project at Trinity is going to require a LOT of people to work a lot. Pray for the Spirit to empower us and motivate us to serve joyfully.
- Workers. Ask the Father as Lord of the Harvest to raise up workers for this part of His harvest. We need people to help, especially to volunteer with our Children’s Ministry.
- Faith that expresses itself in love. Read Galatians 5:6. As faith works out in love, ask the Lord to give us His passion. Pray that Jesus would help you love others as He has loved you.
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