Back to School Playlist


For the last 11 days my husband and I have embarked on the health rollercoaster that is Whole30. It's a tough love, full immersion, pretty much electro-shock therapy for your gut. After a season of neglect and lazy habits, we are starting over, and it’s hard. It’s kind of like heading back to school after a long, lazy, wonderful summer. You’ve had this lovely stretch of days filled with play, your brain has had a rest, and you haven’t had to get yourself or anyone else out the door in a hurry in months. Ah, bliss. Then, the first day of school rolls around and you’re flung into the deep end of packing lunches, racing to find shoes or if you homeschool like me its “Wait, how did we do this last year? No, you cannot swim all day. Etc.”

Those first few days (for some of us, weeks) of new routine can feel like you’re running a race that starts in August with no finish line in sight. So, if you’re feeling sluggish and needing a pick me up, here’s a playlist with the Fall rush in mind. It’s labeled “Back-To-School” but really it’s just 18 songs loaded with gospel truth to get you going and ready to tackle what lies ahead in your day, no matter your stage of life. Spending time in worship is sure to help get your motor running and align your heart to your Maker before you are immersed in the work of the day. One word of warning: you might want to limit your caffeine intake while listening to these energetic songs. Besides, it’s basically a green smoothie for your heart. Who needs coffee?

Listen here:

And while you're at it, head over and follow us on Spotify:

Happy Back-To-School from Trinity Worship! We love you and can’t wait to worship with you this coming Sunday.

Rachel Plating
Creative Lead, Worship & Arts
Trinity Presbyterian Church