Why we live in Community
Have you ever wondered why we at Trinity make such a big deal about community?
From eternity past God has existed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity, three in one. God is, by definition, in constant, eternal relationship with Himself; each person in perfect union, loving, serving and giving honor to one another. Then God created the entire universe, and yet, the Bible teaches us that only one thing in all existence is made in God’s image. In Genesis 1 we read, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.” And God made them for relationship. In Genesis 2, God says that “it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
From the very foundation of who we are as human beings, made in God’s image and after His likeness, we were created for community. We were created, first, to have community with God. As Jesus says in John 17, we are to have union with God through Christ, to enjoy His love and blessings. And second, we were created to have community with one another. We see this pattern time and again throughout the bible. We are to “love God” and “love our neighbor.” As we are drawn into a deeper understanding of who God is and the amazing mercy and grace He has bestowed on us we fall deeper in love with Him, our great Father and Savior. We then share that overflowing grace and love of God with our “neighbor”; our spouse, our friends, our kids, our roommates, our coworkers, our neighbors…everyone! We are designed for community.
So ask yourself, how much of your time, energy and money goes toward keeping people out? And how much is spent on bringing people in? Contrary to our modern culture, which constantly tells us to live for ourselves, the life of the gospel is lived for others, for God and for our neighbor. At Trinity we believe the best way we can carry out that call of the gospel in our daily lives is through Community Groups. We want to live transparent, vulnerable and humble, walking alongside others in pursuit of a greater love for God and love for our neighbor, in faith and dependence on Jesus. The beauty of the gospel is that Jesus, the son of God, who lived for eternity in perfect union and relationship with the Father and Spirit, left His perfect community and gave up everything so that you and I could experience it in His place.
So, in light of the gospel, are you willing to live differently, counter-culturally, for the sake of loving God and loving your neighbor, and invite others to do the same?
Things to pray for:
- Open Hearts - Pray that God’s Spirit would help you live transparently and humbly in community with Him, and in community with His people.
- Living in Community - Pray for God to work into your heart the desire to live in community with others, and to provide a way for you and others to get involved in a Community Group.
- Openness - Pray for a heart of invitation and openness to make room at our tables and in our homes for people who need the community of God’s people around them.
- Leaders - “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Pray for God to raise up leaders (maybe even you!) to continue to do the good and hard work of leading Community Groups.
Luke Wolfe, Associate Pastor & Director of Community Groups
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