An update on our COVID readiness
Almost everyone is now aware of the recent surge in COVID infections, courtesy of the Delta variant. As Trinity’s demographic is younger than many churches, last year we saw very few COVID infections relative to other Lakeland congregations.
But in the last month, Trinity has seen more infections – and worse impact – than we saw all of last year!
So it is not surprising that we have fielded an increased number of inquiries about whether we’re meeting, what we’re doing or going to do, etc.
Just like when this all started in March of last year, our leaders are listening and in conversation with both medical and city governmental leaders. So, just like last year, what we decide this week or this month may be different very soon – so we continue to evaluate our protocols and policies.
First, if you or your children are at all sick or just not feeling well, please stay home. Don’t think of this in terms of not being welcome or as if you’ll be missing out. Think of it in terms of loving our neighbors well – and not putting their health at risk. We continue to offer a livestream of our worship service at 10:45 so you can stay connected even if you need to stay at home.
Second, we are roping off pews in the back half of the sanctuary floor seating area. And Because we offer two services, our capacity is about three times our average attendance and therefore there is abundant room in which to spread out.
And last, as city leaders and schools have not required the wearing of masks, we are leaving that to your personal discretion. You are absolutely welcome to wear a mask if you want and the back half of downstairs seating will be reserved for those who prefer to keep a mask on. And if you are working with our children’s ministry we would encourage it.
Our aim is in all things to love people well because of how marvelously Jesus has loved us!
For those who are still planning on attending worship in person tomorrow, I look forward to seeing you soon. For those staying home, we are grateful we can still worship together via our live stream.
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