Renew Polk Gathering, Sunday night at Trinity
This Sunday is “Renew Polk” Sunday!
Renew Polk is a missional partnership of Trinity and all of our daughter churches, and this partnership exists as a catalyst for church planting in Polk County, FL. Our goal is to plant churches. We don’t want to simply fund churches. We want to plant new churches that are like the other churches in our network in key ways, while also allowing for proper contextualization in reaching radically different areas in our county. Our hope is that God would plant 20 new churches in the next 20 years!
Sunday morning, we will give you an opportunity to participate financially in this important work. In every worship folder there will be an envelope for designated giving.
There are opportunities at every level to be a part of this effort. You can contribute financially, either one-time or by becoming a monthly partner. You can be part of a core group, either now, or when our next daughter church is planted. You can contribute by way of your talents helping Trinity or any of our daughter churches. And – this is not a platitude – we need you to pray. Please, please, pray regularly for this effort as we seek to take occupied territory from Satan for Jesus!
And I would say that most significantly, as you walk faithfully with Jesus every day, you’re helping in this mission. As Jesus calls us to be salt and light – both preservative and illumination – you are helping others as you live out the Gospel.
Sunday night the Coordinator of Church Planting for our denomination, Paul Hahn, will be speaking at our gathering. Trinity will host this, and we will start at 5pm. There will be singing, reports from churches and time to pray. I hope to see you Sunday night!
Things to pray for:
- Vision. Ask the Lord to give you eyes to see and ears to hear the scores of people in our area who do not yet know Jesus.
- Renew Polk. Pray that the Lord would protect, sustain and bless our efforts to plant churches throughout our area. As Jesus called us to in Matthew 9, ask the Father to raise up workers for this harvest.
- Faithfulness. Ask the Holy Spirit to bear in you the fruit of faithfulness, especially as you walk daily with Jesus before many who do not yet trust in Him.
- Courage. Pray that the Father would give us such a profound sense of security in His grace that we would be willing to take great risks, to give and sacrifice eagerly to advance His Kingdom.
Tim Rice, Lead Pastor & Director of Church Planting
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