Returning to 2 Services this Week
No one needs to be told that almost everywhere, there’s unpredictability. We all know chaos abounds right now. And I do not want Trinity to be part of that chaos. Precisely because of the hope that Jesus brings, I want our church to be a force for stability, peace and encouragement.
Our entire leadership was very surprised yesterday that we were at our maximum capacity, and it got awkward. I saw people walking around, looking for seats. And I was very troubled to learn that people were even turned away. That is against everything we value. In light of Jesus’ mercy, we want to be a church that is committed to being outward-faced.
I am sorry if we are contributing to this chaos with changes, followed by more changes, and I am responsible for helping chart a course that helps us do better. Ever since restrictions were lifted in June, we have been committed to meeting in person – safely, accessibly, and as we can, consistently.
After our college students were done at the Thanksgiving break, the math of our attendance had indicated that we could comfortably return to a single service. This was a welcome break for scores of people who volunteer weekly to help make public worship possible.
But then we were surprised yesterday with a larger-than-expected crowd.
But this IS what we want, isn’t it? To reach as many people as we can with the Gospel?
Therefore, our elders met after worship yesterday and agreed that we need to resume offering two services. Effective immediately, we will return to our prior times of 9:00a and 10:45a. And we will continue to offer live streaming during the second service, at 10:45a.
We need your help. If you’re willing to volunteer with our children’s ministry, we could use your help. Again, like before, our main children’s ministry classes will be offered at our first service, but we will offer a modified nursery (up to 4 years old) at the second service.
And if you are able to attend the second service, we need you to do so. One group that works very hard, week in and out, is our musicians. But it is tough to lead a service for an almost empty room – that is what it was like just before we returned to one service. So I am asking you to please consider that if you have no need for the children’s ministry classes, would you plan to attend the second service to help?
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