Interested in Leading a Community Group?
Dear Members and Attenders,
As we all prepare for the Christmas holiday and anticipate spending time with family and friends, and for many of us receive a much needed break from the daily grind, this can be a great time of the year to step back from our regular routine and reflect on 2016. What have you seen God do in your life this past year? How has God used the circumstances and people in your life to help you grow in your faith in Him? What do you need God to help you with (physically, spiritually, emotionally…etc) for you to be successful in the coming year?
This can also be a great time of year to consider how to better shepherd our hearts and invest ourselves in gospel community in the coming year. One great opportunity that we at Trinity find vital to our overall health and walk with the Lord is involvement in a Community Group. Meeting weekly in the context of a small group, where you can invest in one another’s lives, learn one another’s stories, bear one another’s burdens, worship, pray and speak the gospel into one another’s circumstances can be a life-changing experience. God has not called us to operate as islands, separated from one another; nor has he called us to be brains on legs where we merely take in as much information as possible. We were designed to know Jesus and his love for us as we relate to and live life with his people. We are called to be a community, a body of believers.
So, I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to join a Community Group at Trinity. Contact me and I’d be happy to help you find a group that would work well for your family. Are you interested in leading a group? I’d love to talk to you about making that happen. Not sure what a Community Group does or how to lead one? We produce a weekly study guide we call the “Facilitator” that is simply a tool to help you reflect on the Sunday sermon and engage in conversation in your Community Group and family. It is available on the Trinity App or click the “Notes” link for the latest service on the Trinity home page and scroll to the bottom,
I have one of the best jobs in the world, where I get to spend every week meeting with Community Group leaders, hearing their stories and struggles, and doing whatever I can to help them be great. I’d love to do whatever I can to help you connect with our Community Group Ministry and experience the blessing of gospel community.
Blessings and Merry Christmas!!
Luke Wolfe
Director of Community Group Ministry
Trinity Presbyterian Church
301 N Florida Avenue
Lakeland, FL 33801
O: 863-603-7777
M: 763-670-7337
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