Gracious Self-Awareness
November 17, 2024 Speaker: Tim Rice Series: Galatians
Passage: Galatians 5:26, Galatians 6:1-5
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Memory Verse for the Week: Galatians 6:2 (ESV)
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
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INTRO: What enables you to live free from comparisons with others?
Who are you, in the broadest scope?
How do we become conceited, and how is that destructive?
How has Jesus worked to both humble us and secure us from all the ways our idols could possibly enslave us?
- Worship the LORD for His total, infinite knowledge. Praise Him, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that He also made us in His image so that we would also know Him, know the truth, and live wisely.
- How have you lived lacking self-awareness? Confess your pride and foolishness to Jesus, asking Him to forgive you and work by His Word and His Spirit to help you grow in wisdom and responsibility.
- Give thanks to Jesus for His grace to bear the burden of our guilt and devastation in sin. Thank Him for His truth (to address accurately our real status) and His grace (to give Himself for us so completely).
- Who do you know that has based their lives upon vain idols, and so they’re enslaved to pride or fear? Pray for them, asking the Lord to help them to come to their senses and reality in terms of God’s Kingdom.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to work in your heart the wisdom of self-awareness. Pray for His fruit of joy, patience and goodness, especially in your growth in knowing God and yourself in Christ.
The Facilitator is a study tool designed to help you engage with the weekly sermon through the five elements we incorporate in our Community Groups; Get Acquainted & Sharing, Sermon Study, Mission, Worship and Prayer. This tool will be made available Monday morning to give us the opportunity to look back at what we heard on Sunday.
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