True Disciples vs. False
August 4, 2024 Speaker: Tim Rice Series: Sermon On The Mount
Passage: Matthew 7:15-23
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Memory Verse for the Week: Matthew 7:20 (ESV)
Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
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INTRO: How discerning are you about truth and falsehood?
Why do we believe that God created us for genuine relationship with Him, for real intimacy?
How do counterfeit gods drive false behaviors?
To redeem us how does Jesus dispel lies and kill corruption?
1. Worship the LORD for His absolute integrity. Praise Him, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that there is no gap between what He says and what He does, and that all of His Word is backed up by His perfect, holy character.
2. How have you lived with falsehood, corruption, or giving yourself permission to emphasize what you say above how you live? Confess your lies and corruption to Jesus, the Way, Truth, and Life, asking Him to save you.
3. Give thanks to Jesus for His work to do everything necessary to save us from all of our sin. Thank Him that though He is the God of all creativity He chose absolute conformity to save us from the lie of autonomy and corruption of self-will.
4. Who do you know that says they follow Jesus but leaves you in question by how they live? Pray for them that the Lord would have mercy on them to help them repent of any trace of corruption.
5. Ask the Spirit to bear in you His fruit of love and goodness. Pray that He would grow you in integrity and holiness, by His mercy and power helping you to genuinely know Christ, love Him, and rejoice to do His will.

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