The Fruit of Humility: Peace
December 11, 2022 Speaker: Tim Rice Series: Advent 2022
Passage: Isaiah 11:1-10
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Memory Verse for the Week: Isaiah 11:1-2 (ESV)
There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.
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Intro: When did you last experience antagonism?
Why is the work of the Messiah so radical?
How does Jesus combine unlikely elements in His kingdom?
How does the reign of Jesus’ Grace break the spell of all death and antagonism?
1. Worship the LORD for His wisdom to save us through Christ’s own weakness and death. Praise Him, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for His miraculous love that would motivate Him to undergo that for us.
2. How do you live as if Christianity is a religion for the strong? Confess your arrogance to Jesus for thinking you know better than Him, asking Him to forgive you and heal you from your pride.
3. Give thanks to Jesus for His power to bring life even out of death. Thank Him for dying to comfort to break the power of selfishness and suffering death and condemnation to atone for all of our sins!
4. Who do you know that claims to trust Jesus yet is profoundly different from you and your values? Pray for them, asking the Lord to help you both pursue Jesus even more and therefore grow closer to them as well.
5. Ask the Holy Spirit to mature you and grow you in the influence you exert as Jesus’ representative in our city. Ask Him to use you to heal antagonism, to to bring comfort to those who suffer, and be fruitful as you display Jesus.
Looking Back
The Facilitator is a study tool designed to help you engage with the weekly sermon through the five elements we incorporate in our Community Groups; Get Acquainted & Sharing, Sermon Study, Mission, Worship and Prayer. This tool will be made available Monday morning to give us the opportunity to look back at what we heard on Sunday.
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