Our Great Work
May 22, 2022 Speaker: Bud Daniel Series: Ephesians
Passage: Ephesians 5:21, Ephesians 6:5-9
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Memory Verse for the Week: Ephesians 5:1-2, 6:5 (ESV)
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. … Bondservants, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ.
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Intro: What attribute or quality do you have that makes you an asset at your job?
How do we put this passage in perspective today?
How do we work out of reverence to creation?
How do we work for the Kingdom?
1. Worship the LORD, God Almighty for His grace and mercy. Praise Him, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that He turned His passion toward us for our rescue rather than turning His anger against us to destroy us in His justice.
2. How have you lived and worked so detached from Jesus that all you thought about was yourself or your circumstances, without any passion for others? Confess your lack of love for Jesus, asking Him to forgive you and change you by His love in your heart.
3. Give thanks to Jesus that in His love for us, He left His position of power and comfort to spend Himself for our salvation! Thank Him that He is so generous and humble.
4. Who do you know that hates work? Or who do you know that is so hungry to make it in business that they never quit (and never think about anyone else)? Pray for them, asking Jesus to rescue them from their self-interest.
5. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight into your calling and to produce deep joy in your heart as you work. Pray for such a deep experience of Jesus’ love that you are empowered to love others through your work.
Looking Back
The Facilitator is a study tool designed to help you engage with the weekly sermon through the five elements we incorporate in our Community Groups; Get Acquainted & Sharing, Sermon Study, Mission, Worship and Prayer. This tool will be made available Monday morning to give us the opportunity to look back at what we heard on Sunday.
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