The Parables of Found Treasure
September 1, 2019 Speaker: Tim Rice Series: Parables of the Kingdom
Passage: Matthew 13:44-46
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Memory Verse for the Week: Matthew 13:44 (ESV)
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.“
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Intro: Have you ever found something remarkably valuable?
Why is it significant that Jesus compares Himself with hidden treasure?
How do we live as if either Jesus isn’t valuable? Or His value is hidden?
Why should I treasure Jesus – and how can I treasure Him?
1. Worship the LORD for His surpassing worth. Praise Him, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for His glory and holiness – His incomparable value compared to every created thing.
2. How have you lived denying Jesus’ surpassing worth? Confess your pride and unbelief to Jesus, asking Him to forgive you and change your heart to value Him as you should.
3. Give thanks to Jesus for His willingness to let go of all He had in order to gain us by redemption. Thank Him for dying to make you His treasure.
4. Who do you know that values the things of this world more than Jesus? Pray for them, asking the Lord to help them “find the treasure” so that, in joy, they would let go of everything else in order to trust Jesus.
5. Read Revelation 5:11-12. Ask the Holy Spirit to bear in you the fruit of love and joy. Pray that He would help you to see that even while Jesus is free, yet He costs everything fittingly because He is so worthy!
Looking Back
The Facilitator is a study tool designed to help you engage with the weekly sermon through the five elements we incorporate in our Community Groups; Get Acquainted & Sharing, Sermon Study, Mission, Worship and Prayer. This tool will be made available Monday morning to give us the opportunity to look back at what we heard on Sunday.
More in Parables of the Kingdom
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Parable of the Father Who Goes OutNovember 17, 2019
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