Freedom By A New Bond
March 11, 2018 Speaker: Tim Rice Series: Romans: From Faith to Faith
Passage: Romans 6:14– 7:1-12
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Memory Verse for the Week: Romans 7-6 (ESV)
"But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code."
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Intro: How is marriage different today than the 1st century?
Why do we believe that God’s Law is good?
But in our sin, what happens when God’s Law comes in contact with our impulse to live for ourselves?
How does Jesus set us free from the Law’s accusations and sin’s power?
1. Worship the LORD that His Law is good in that He has called us to love, as we image Him. Praise Him, Father, Son and Holy Spirit that He backs every command with His own character.
2. How have you lived breaking God’s Law by your loveless-ness? Confess your lack of love to Jesus – your lack of love for Him, and your unwillingness to love others. Ask Him to put His love within you instead.
3. Give thanks to Jesus for revealing Himself as our Bridegroom. Thank Him for freeing you from the Law’s (just) accusations by His death; and for securing you in a new life with Him by His resurrection.
4. Who do you know that is held captive by their impulse to live for themselves? Ask the Lord to free them by His love and grace.
5. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and insight into what it means to be married to Christ. Ask Him to drive out fear from your soul, and to grow within you His fruit of joy and thankfulness.
Looking Back
The Facilitator is a study tool designed to help you engage with the weekly sermon through the five elements we incorporate in our Community Groups; Get Acquainted & Sharing, Sermon Study, Mission, Worship and Prayer. This tool will be made available Monday morning to give us the opportunity to look back at what we heard on Sunday.
More in Romans: From Faith to Faith
November 25, 2018
The Obedience of FaithNovember 18, 2018
Names Matter Because People MatterNovember 11, 2018
Pushing Onward