Our Failed Fallbacks
November 5, 2017 Speaker: Wade Savant Series: Romans: From Faith to Faith
Passage: Romans 2:17-29
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Scripture Memory for the week: Romans 2:28-29
"28 For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. 29 But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God."
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Intro: What are some of the homemade laws you tend to make for others?
I. The Problem Of Having It All Together
What are some of the ways we try to convince ourselves we don’t need the Gospel?
II. The Last Retreat of the Religious
How does the righteousness of God expose our most ardent attempts to justify ourselves?
III. Seeing Through the Externals
What would be a proper balance of Biblical spirituality? Where do we look for internal transformation?
- Praise the Lord because He is a righteous judge. Worship Him because His justice is perfect and good, and yet He does not leave us alone in our sinfulness, but offers mercy and grace.
- What “fallbacks” have you tried to put in place to justify that you transform yourself apart from the work of the Spirit? Confess your pride to Jesus, asking Him to forgive you and help you see your need for transformation from the Spirit.
- Give thanks to Jesus that, in spite of our efforts to prop ourselves up, He has descended down and taken upon Himself the judgment from God that we deserve.
- Who do you know that needs to hear that there is no external way that we can justify and protect ourselves from God’s judgment? Pray for them, asking that God would break down their pride, and help them see their need of the Father’s mercy, the Son’s grace, and the Spirit’s internal transformation.
- Pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to expose the ways that you try to hold yourself up before the throne of God by your own external performance and appearance. Ask that God continue to humble you even as you grow in faith.

More in Romans: From Faith to Faith
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The Obedience of FaithNovember 18, 2018
Names Matter Because People MatterNovember 11, 2018
Pushing Onward