Sermons from 2016

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December 25, 2016

Christmas Day Sermon

Series: Advent 2016: Revelation Passage: Revelation 12:1-6, 10-11

December 18, 2016

The Healing of All Wrongs

Series: Advent 2016: Revelation Passage: Revelation 22:1-7, 14-17

December 11, 2016

Dwelling with God

Series: Advent 2016: Revelation Passage: Revelation 21:1-8, 16, 22-23

December 4, 2016

All Accounts Settled

Series: Advent 2016: Revelation Passage: Revelation 20:1-6, 11-15

November 27, 2016

Sing Hallelujah!

Series: Advent 2016: Revelation Passage: Revelation 19:1-6

November 20, 2016

Faithful in the Face of Opposition

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 28:17-31

November 6, 2016

Suffering for Jesus

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 9:13-16, 2 Corinthians 11:24-28– 12:7-10

October 30, 2016

Truly Caring Relationships

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 20:17-38

October 23, 2016

Riot in Ephesus

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 19:23-29, 32, 34

October 16, 2016

Jesus' Power, Wisdom & Love

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 17:16-34

October 2, 2016

Shine Like Stars

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 16:16-34

September 25, 2016

Security in Christ Confirmed

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 15:1-13, 19

September 18, 2016

What Do You Expect?

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 4:8-22

September 16, 2016

Lunch with David Powlison

Series: Stand Alone

September 11, 2016

An Expansive Love

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 13:13-16, 23, 26-29, 42-43, 48-49

September 4, 2016

Whose Glory Do You Seek?

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 12:6-12, 17, 20-24

August 28, 2016

Gospel Friendship

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 4:34-37– 9:26-31, Acts 11:19-25

August 21, 2016

Barriers Destroyed By Grace

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 11:1-8

August 14, 2016

Encountering the Extraordinary

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 9:1-9, 20-22

August 11, 2016

Town Hall

Series: Stand Alone

August 7, 2016

Town Hall

Series: Stand Alone

August 7, 2016

God's City

Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 87

July 31, 2016

Train My Hands for War

Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 144

July 24, 2016


Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 73

July 17, 2016

The Fairest One of All

Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 45

July 11, 2016

My Help and Deliverer

Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 40

July 3, 2016

Sweeter than Honey

Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 19

June 26, 2016

Out of the Depths O LORD

Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 130

June 19, 2016

The Necessity of God's Work

Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 127

June 12, 2016

Good News to the Hopeless

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 8:26-40

June 5, 2016

Courage vs. Persecution

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 6:8-15– 7:51-60

May 29, 2016

Die Another Day

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 6:1-7

May 22, 2016

Jesus' Apostles, Signs & Wonders

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 5:12-20, 27-32, 42

May 15, 2016

The Gospel & Honesty

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 5:1-11

May 8, 2016

Jesus' Resurrection & Boldness

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 3:26– 4:21

May 1, 2016

The Wonder of the Gospel

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 3:11-21

April 24, 2016

A Heavenly Community

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 2:42-47– 4:32-37

April 17, 2016

Promise of the Spirit

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 2:1-4, 6-8, 11-17, 21-25, 32-39, 41

April 10, 2016

Power for God's Mission

Series: The Acts of the Apostles Passage: Acts 1:1-11

April 3, 2016

Jesus, Fulfilling Scripture

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 24:13-32

March 27, 2016

Jesus' Victory, Our Story

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 24:1-12

March 20, 2016

At the Cross

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 23:32-46

March 13, 2016

The Trials of Jesus

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 22:52-54, 63– 23:3, 13-25

March 6, 2016

Jesus in the Garden

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 22:39-46

February 28, 2016

Understanding Suffering at Jesus' Table

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 22:7-23

February 21, 2016

Respect the Son

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 19:45– 20:18

February 14, 2016

Jesus' Triumphal Entry

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 19:36-44

February 7, 2016

The Christ of the Cross

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 9:21-24; 43-48; 51-53

January 31, 2016

The Parable of the Great Banquet

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 14:11-24

January 24, 2016

The Parable of the Best Place

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 14:7-11

January 17, 2016

Like a Good Neighbor

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 10:25-37

January 10, 2016

The Parable of Loyalties

Series: The Gospel of Luke Passage: Luke 8:14-15, 18

January 3, 2016

Trinity's Mission & Vision

Series: Stand Alone Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21