Housekeeping at Trinity - and a Happy New Year

A common expression for the work of cleaning or organizing the space where we live is called housekeeping. The origin of the term dates back to the 1500s, and it acknowledged that the work of living has an additional layer of work that is internal. There are the things that we think of as “going to work,” where we leave our homes, the places where we typically love to be. But the work we need to do in that space, housekeeping, is cleaning, de-cluttering, decorating even — work that typically helps us to enjoy it even more.
In a church, we can think that our mission is primarily outside. Missionaries, for example, are people we conceive of as being out and away, even to another country. But according to God’s Word, there is a constant sense in which our mission is both within our church family and without — to our city, region, country, and even to the world.
To focus on our work within, I want to help you think about just the next few weeks at Trinity. Much year-end reflection can occur in this week after Christmas — which is a wonderful discipline to exercise. But it is also good to look ahead. Proverbs 14 teaches us plainly that the wise person gives thought to their steps. “Where am I about to step? And why?”
In the first two weeks of the year, before our next sermon series begins, we will look at our mission and vision and how we believe God equips us to faithfully grow.
Then, our sermon series for the spring will be a simple overview of the Minor Prophets, books that many Christians (sadly) may never read. Significantly, their prevailing themes are about faithfulness in the midst of surrounding unbelief.
If there’s any trend that most Christians will recognize, it is that there is a prominent unbelief in our current culture and generation. Now, nationwide church attendance is nearing historic lows. Aggressive opposition to biblical beliefs and values is everywhere. And national surveys (along with many personal testimonies) prove that our children are flooding out of the church. (For more insights, explore the supporting article: ABC NEWS: Churches close their doors as fewer Americans attend.)
Therefore, surveying the Minor Prophets will be timely.
As part of our housekeeping, we want to be self-aware, vigilant, and prepared for the work that being faithful to Jesus will require in a season when Christians are a conspicuous minority.
But given God’s power, wisdom and love, He has typically done His best work when the numbers and human reason were against Him.
Personally, I am excited about the future, particularly in the coming weeks. I am so rich to get to work with so many talented and faithful men and women. The staff and volunteer leaders at Trinity mean so very much to me, and I marvel at the privilege of our work.
Never as a platitude, but as a sincere hope in Christ, I wish for you a Happy New Year.
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