Ahead of Hurricane Milton, we belong to the Lord of every storm

Trinity Pres Church copy

In light of the imminent arrival of Hurricane Milton, I wanted to offer some brief perspective and encouragement. In this morning's Community Bible reading from Mark 13, it struck me how, ahead of facing persecution and even the threat of death, Jesus urged His disciples to "not be anxious beforehand." Some modern ears could hear in this that Jesus was being tone-deaf and insensitive to His friends' pain or anxieties.

But in light of Jesus being our great God and Savior, His guidance was nothing of the sort. He was loving them — and through this Gospel, loving us — as only He can.

He knows the entire story. Only He, with our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, knows what is truly threatening, and that is pride or unbelief — things that threaten to undo us eternally. But to suffer? To be scorned, rejected, or even beaten or killed physically? Nothing can separate us from Him and His saving love! (See the last third of Romans 8)

This world is not our home, and nothing brings that into clarity, like the threat of losing our comforts, possessions, homes, or even our earthly lives. Jesus promised of those who trust in Him, "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one." (John 10:28-30)

Instead of living with fear before the humbling power of a storm (a storm like the one that Jesus spoke into stillness), let's humble ourselves before the LORD. Before others, let's be salt and light against man's pride or fear.

Prepare well so as to not require help. If, by preparation, you can minimize the need that later you should require a rescue, then by all means, do that. NO ONE can prepare for every contingency, but we can address the basics. Prepare well.

Help your neighbors prepare! This is an amazing time when people are more open because they're vulnerable. By Jesus' love in your heart, think of your neighbors. Help them put away things that could blow around. Share supplies or tools with them. Or if they should lose power and you don't, invite them into your air-conditioned home or run an extension cord from your house to theirs.

If you are in a community group, check in with your community group leader or group. Find out who's where and if anyone needs help. Be ready after the storm to help clear tree limbs or worse. Again, share supplies or tools with them.

Do not fret! Trust the Lord! He is our Sovereign God, Father, Lord, Savior, Comforter, and Refuge. Read, reflect, and pray through Philippians 4:4-7, 11-13. Paul originally wrote those words to encourage the Philippian believers in how they could comfort others. So, having eternal comfort because of His Grace, be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever you are.

So let's pray for one another, our neighbors, family members, fellow believers, and neighbors who do not yet know the Lord but who are about to see Him flex His muscles. Let's pray for humility, loving hearts, peace, and courage to care for others more than we care for ourselves.