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We need to talk about sex

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Over the last few years, we’ve weathered COVID-19, profound social and political tensions, and behind it all, there has been a steady shift in what sexuality even is — let alone what is now considered sexually appropriate....

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Are we involved in anything heroic?

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If you dig at the very essence of what’s regarded as heroic, you will surely see elements of courage, risk, generosity and a willingness to readily sacrifice even one’s own life in the protection or rescue of others. ...

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We live in an overlap of ages

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It works like this: whatever you’re thinking about or arguing about, someone reduces the options to only two. “Either it’s _______ OR it’s ________.” And admittedly, there are many instances where the discussion really can be reduced to only one of two options — like pregnancy, citizenship, or having a pulse. Either you are or are not; you do or do not....

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How do you view words? And how do you use them?

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Jesus said: “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37) Chilling and sobering words. So accordingly, how do you view words? And how do you use them?...

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Possibly one of the toughest aspects of credibility today

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What does it mean to live with sexual integrity? THIS calls for real faith. And courage....

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How courageous are you?

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If many of our core convictions as Christians are openly questioned, if not ridiculed, how can we establish a credible lifestyle of courage?...

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A credible life of kindness

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I want to continue my discussion of what would capture the attention and respect of a watching world and help them want to hear what we have to say about our beliefs in Jesus. If building relationships is now one of our primary tasks as Christians, how can we back up this work by establishing a credible lifestyle of kindness?...

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A Compelling Lifestyle

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Recently I wrote about how I believe the paradigm for ministry is changing. As Christians are no longer a majority in our culture, we need to work as the early church did when it was a minority....

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How do we get the help we need?

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What is it like to try and find the right person for a job? You can envision talent or competencies combined with passion or experience. But there’s the limiting factor of who you can find. But weigh this scenario with one critical new addition — what if someone commits to helping you not just find but actually cultivate the right person for that need?...

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What's old is new again

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Surely you’ve heard the expression, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” As I continue to think about (what I’ve referred to as) innovation, it’s ironic that the “new ideas” or innovations I’ve alluded to are not new at all in history. They’re just new to our culture or generation....

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