Archives for November 2024

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The what, why and how of thanksgiving

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The what of thanksgiving — at least recognizes two sides of the coin. If giving thanks is a single act, it is aware of two sides or aspects. There is the “What do I have?” side, and then there is the “Who made that possible?” side. The entire scope of my life includes all that I really do have, but I also need to see that I have not earned, produced, created, or ...

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It's personal

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What is calmly stated belies a horrifying reality. While the speaker in a mob movie really was referring to plans for killing people, “the business” will leave unseen and unmentioned weeping parents, grieving spouses and orphaned children. And blood that cries out from the ground to the LORD, our God....

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Post-election perspective

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Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—he remains faithful forever.” Psalm 146:3-6 ...

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